Quick Overview About How Water Softener Work?

How Water Softener Work

Hard water is not just tough in your pocket, but also on your skin, home, and everything else. It is because of the high calcium and magnesium content in the water that makes it unfit for everyday use. There could be many causes of this happening, such as seepage of the septic tank into your freshwater line. 

Anyways, as hard water is not fit for any purpose, there comes the need for water softener. So, in this article, we will see how does a water softener works and why it’s important. 

What is a Water Softener?

Water softeners remove hardness caused by calcium and magnesium from water using ion exchange. They are a whole-house water treatment system that ensures soft water access in your home. 

Hard water is devastating for a home’s plumbing, appliances, and clogging pipes creating the need for plumbing services quite often. It shortens the lifespan of all machines that deal with water such as dishwashers, coffee makers, and ice makers. 

High temperatures deposit calcium and magnesium ions in your hot water heater. This scale causes funny sounds when the water heater operates. This is because the scale is attached to the heating element. With time and temperature, it causes the cracking and stretching of deposits. 

What Could Happen Without a Water Heater?

Without a water heater, you will have to put in more detergent for your laundry. Even then, it will come out not fresh and look shabby. 

  • Your dishwasher won’t operate at its maximum efficiency and your dishes will come out as streaked and stained.
  • Your soap and shampoo will not lather when you bathe with hard water. Also, shower curtains will have filmy scums. 
  • Aside from these, your skin and hair will suffer from hard water too. It will make your skin dry and hair sticky and rough. 

In short, a lack of water softener can cost you your time, money, and skin health. A house water softener is the solution to all your hard water-related problems. 

Contact Primeline Plumbers for expert water treatment and softener services in Queens. Call us today for a free estimate!

How Does a Water Softener System Work?

Water softener removes the calcium and magnesium ions from water. It prevents the negative effects of hard water. The most common water softener system is an ion exchange system. It uses a chemical process to swap out hard minerals for softer ones. The steps involved in the water softener process are:

  • Water Entry in Softener Tank 

Water passes via a bed of resin beads as it enters the softener. These beads are made of a special material that has a negative charge. This charge plays an integral role in the ion exchange process.

  • Process of Ion-Exchange

Positively charged sodium or potassium ions are applied to the resin beads in the softener. In hard water, the positive charge of the calcium and magnesium ions is stronger than that of the sodium or potassium ions. The resin beads draw in and retain the calcium and magnesium ions as hard water passes through the softener, freeing up sodium or potassium ions instead of them. The water’s hardness is successfully eliminated by this exchange procedure.

  • Soft Water Leaves the Tank

The softened water, free from hard minerals, exits the tank and enters the home’s plumbing system. Now that the problems brought on by hard water have been resolved, this water can be used for house chores.

How Does a Water Softener Work with Salt?

A water softener that uses salts to remove water hardness also operates on the principle of ion exchange. In this process, calcium and magnesium salts are replaced by benign sodium salts.

In simple terms, tap water is passed through a water softener that consists of a tube filled with resin granules. These granules act as little magnets that attract calcium and magnesium ions from the water. When the efficiency of these granules lessens they must be renewed. 

This is the point where regeneration salt comes into the picture. Salt is poured into the container to create a solution of salt and water. This brine rinses or regenerates the resin granules of the water softener.

Upgrade your water quality with Primeline Plumbers. Schedule your water treatment and softener service now in Bronx!


Water softeners are a useful way to handle hard water problems in the house. You can decide if a water softener is the best option for your home by being aware of how it operates and the advantages it offers. Your home’s efficiency considerably increases with the use of water softener. 

However, life is full of unpredictable events. So, even after everything, if any plumbing issue comes up, PrimeLine Plumbers has got you covered. 

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